Web Design

Web Consulting
Does your Website need help? Is your web server in need of assistance? JPX Consulting can help you move or update your web site, register or move your domain and take care of your business Internet needs.

Web design is a process of conceptualization, planning, modeling, and execution of electronic media content delivery via Internet in the form of technologies (such as markup languages) suitable for interpretation and display by a web browser or other web-based graphical user interfaces (GUIs).

Web site design crosses multiple disciplines of information systems, information technology and communication design. The web site is an information system whose components are sometimes classified as front-end and back-end. The observable content (e.g. page layout, user interface, graphics, text, audio) is known as the front-end. The back-end comprises the organization and efficiency of the source code, invisible scripted functions, and the server-side components that process the output from the front-end. Depending on the size of a Web development project, it may be carried out by a multi-skilled individual (sometimes called a web master), or a project manager may oversee collaborative design between group members with specialized skills.

Web Development
JPX Consulting can also help you plan, build and deploy a web presence for your company. Whether you need a simple web site, a sophisticated web application or additions or changes to your current Web efforts, JPX can help. Contact us for a price quote.